Obituary : Farewell to a dear friend

February 2021
Teaa Bear passed away peacefully in our arms today, after giving us 12 years of happiness. She will be forever missed and forever remembered.

Teaa was adopted when she was 2 years old, from a place where she had been used for breeding.

Despite a rough start to life, she carried on to be the sweetest, most patient, intelligent and loving LEGEND of a dog.

Teaa has saved two lives, on two separate occasions. Once, we were staying at a less than ideal motel in northern Ontario and she woke us up because she heard a young girl in distress. The second time, we were home in our former townhouse, downtown in a major city, and she heard a young man afraid for his life and again she woke us up. The thing is Teaa did not ever bark, maybe one deep ‘woof’ annually but on these 2 occasions she faced the direction of the victim and barked, piercing barks, every 2 seconds, until we woke up. Both times 911 first responders arrived on time to help the people in need.

Teaa loved everyone and everything life had to offer (except for vacuums. She once defeated her arch enemy by carefully removing all the wheels, without actually damaging the thing). She particularly loved eating, napping and belly rubs.

Teaa was a 10 out of 10 opportunistic glutton. In her years she has raided refrigerators, and stolen food stored on top of the fridge. When left home alone, as a guest in other peoples homes, who were thoroughly warned, but who dared underestimate what she was capable of, and on separate occasions: gotten into a closed tool box and eaten 2 kgs of cat food, ate a stash of chocolate intended to be Christmas gifts that was hidden in a bedroom closet, ate 5 boxes of cereal, avocados, bananas, granola bars, a unattended beer, and once a Costco size bag of jelly beans! Rainbow poops for days after that one… Thankfully, no ill effects ever ensued.

Teaa will be greatly missed by many, but none more so than Mike, Mick, Rosie, Stig and I. Teaa leaves behind her unwavering love, and asks that you give your dog a big hug, a treat and an extra long belly rub.